-Complete engine overhauls on all popular brands. -Yanmar, Cummins, Caterpillar, Perkins, Lehman… Etc. -Cooler and heat exchange services (flush/reseal/zincs). -Injection pump & injector overhauls. -Engine electrical/running diagnosis. -Oil & fuel filter servicing. -Monthly/quarterly/yearly general inspections. -Raw water pump overhauls. -Engine/prop-shaft alignments. -Complete turbo overhauls. -Coolant flush and block cleaning.
Engine Surveys
Complete and detailed surveys of all motor related systems for new purchases or sales of vessels.
-Custom water heater install/removals. -Sanitation hose re-fits. -Whale and PEX systems. -PVC plumbing install/repair. -Faucet installs. -Fresh water pumps & accumulator tanks.
It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it! Be it a VacuFlush, HeadHunter or a manual toilet we can help.
Engine Cleaning & Detailing
-Full range of engine detailing options. -Treating/neutralizing/painting rust. -Complete engine/bilge details.
-Genset preventative maintenance.
-Overhauls. -Cooler rebuilds/service. -Electrical/mechanical diagnosis
-Electrical Diagnosis and troubleshooting of engine systems. -Starting issues. -Shutdown issues. -Faulty/non-operational gauges. -Charging issues. -Electrical systems installs (chargers/inverters). -Inverter issues. -Battery renewals.
Have a vessel in need of a re-power? With experience and know how on all major Brands (Yanmar, Cummins, Caterpillar, Mercrusier, Universal, Beta, Atomic4.) I’m confident we can find a solution for all your re-power needs.
Trans-Gear & Out Drive
-Cables. -Re-builds. -Oil services. -Out-drive bellows and water pumps. -Lower unit reseals.